Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Luke R Briant
Perry Slingsby Systems
821 Jupiter Park Drive
Jupiter, Florida 33458, USA
This paper will describe the latest work class ROV designed and developed by Perry Slingsby Systems Inc. The paper will focus on the technical improvements to the modern Work Class ROV System. One major improvement is the new “ICE”
Integrated Controls Engine and User Interface (UI), with modern ergonomic features utilizing advanced graphical displays, familiar user interface functions,
data logging, diagnostics and networking. The paper will also illustrate the improvements of a modular system which has increased deck space and overall
performance and reliability. The improved hydraulic control, increased user interface options and commonality of parts will also be discussed.
The Triton® XLX is the latest evolution of the very successful and industry known Triton series of work class ROV. Perry Slingsby Systems (PSS) industry
recognized Triton design has proven itself to be a reliable system with over 150 delivered units.
The main objectives of the design of the XL “X” was to further increase reliability and enhance the already “best in class” technologies of PSS ROV Systems.
This included the following:
• Develop and implement PSS next generation control system.
• Increase capability for Tooling and Survey systems.
• Develop a common design for 3 or 4. Kilometer applications.
• Increase overall deck space on the ROV for user equipment.
The one key driving factor was to develop a new controls solution that would accommodate varying control applications. With this in mind ICE™ was born.
Along with this improvement, the vehicle dynamics,which includes its payload distribution and flying characteristics, hydraulic and electrical user interfaces and overall positioning of modules to increase deck “real estate” for tooling packages and equipment. This aspect has proven to be invaluable
from an operator’s point of view. The consoles were also modernized with increased communication bandwidth and ergonomically designed user controls.
The ICE™ system architecture consists of four (4) primary computer nodes: (See Figure 1)
• Two Surface Windows® based Human Machine Interface (HMI) PC nodes
• One Surface real-time Controller node
• One Subsea real-time Controller node
The two redundant HMI nodes provide the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the two Controller nodes perform the mission critical real-time control
functions for ROV operation. The HMI’s are completely independent of each other; if one fails the second is not affected and the system can continue with normal operations with a single HMI.
The four nodes communicate with one another via an Ethernet network integrated with a fiber optic telemetry system.
The subsea control system is a distributed system which disperses I/O functionality from the control can to individual nodes, via a serial bus wiring scheme called ICENet™. The subsea control system consists of one small control can containing the
Subsea Controller computer and an instrument junction box (Core J-Box) containing ICENet™ boards.
There is also a survey junction box which contains ICENet™ boards for additional survey capability. All the necessary boards for processing I/O, controls, and
telemetry are distributed within the system in the junction boxes and the control can.
The ICENet™ boards are local micro controller boards which are a proprietary all-in-one solution, with onboard processing, data communication, sensor
circuits, diagnostics, and power regulation. The board is designed to operate in oil under ambient pressures eliminating the need for complex pressure vessel
assemblies. Every board is factory tested, operating at a pressure equivalent to 5000m water depth (7290psi). The ICENet™ boards have electrical fault protection limiting the effects of reverse polarity,
over-voltage, over-current, and short circuits. The ICENet™ board will protect itself in the majority of fault conditions and revert to normal operations when
the fault has cleared. The ICENet™ board is fuse free with no operator intervention required.
The ICENet™ boards also have environmental protection limiting the effects of any water ingress into oil filled positive compensated enclosures for increased
The TMS control system is made up of a subset of the same ICENet™ boards installed on the ROV.
The ICENet™ board serial connections are brought to the surface via the fiber optic system.
There is no control can on the TMS. For I/O control on both the ROV and TMS, the
ICE™ system consists of a complement of proprietary “ICENet™” boards. The ICENet™ board types are:
• LVC – Local Valve Controller Board for valve control in the manifolds
• LAM – Local Alarms Monitor Board for GFD and water detects
• LCI – Local Camera Interface Board for camera and light control
• LPD – Local Power Controller Board – DC for DC power control
• LPA – Local Power Controller Board – AC for AC power control
• LSI – Local Serial Isolator Board for RS-232 to RS-485 conversion and optical isolation The I/O on the surface is also distributed using Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Ethernet I/O devices contained in each hardware control panel.
Each Ethernet I/O device plugs into the surface Ethernet switch and each device is polled by the Surface Controller.
The distributed I/O systems surface and subsea allow for less overall system hardware, wiring looms and the ability to allow modularization of the system.
This enabled PSS to increase the payload distribution and deck space, providing the end user the maximum amount of additional space for mounting and integrating future peripheral sensors and equipment, thus offering the end user a superior Work Class
The subsea controller gives an ROV system a degree of protection when telemetry to the vehicle is lost.
The PSS standard “Failsafe Mode” has been maintained with Triton® XLX. The subsea controller enables this function if downlink data communication between the Surface Controller and the Subsea Controller fails.
When this occurs all horizontal thruster commands are set to zero, the ROV is put into auto depth control mode, all other automatic control modes are turned
off, and other commands are maintained as they were prior to losing communications. This is a key function for the user and invaluable when in offshore operational conditions.